diumenge, 1 de desembre del 2013

Tatin de plàtan / Banana Tatin cake

Ja fa temps que segueixo el blog Las recetitas de Mirasens. Es nota que la seva autora, la Nuria, es fotògrafa professional, perquè les fotos de les seves receptes són fantàstiques i, a més, m'agrada molt la selecció de receptes que presenta al seu blog. L'única pega que li trobo és la poca freqüència amb que publica nous posts... però la veritat és que val la pena passejar-se pel seu arxiu de receptes.

I aquesta que veieu avui ja fa temps que tenia ganes de provar-la. M'encanta la Tatin tradicional de poma i aquesta versió em va atreure de seguida.

Si us agrada el plàtan cuit, no deixeu de provar-la perquè a nosaltres el resultat ens ha encantat! Avui no us transcric la recepta, perquè la trobareu en castellà aquí.

Espero que us animeu a provar-la i que m'expliqueu com us ha quedat!


I've been following Las recetitas de Mirasens' blog for quite a long time. That she's a professional photographer, it becomes obvious looking at the gorgeous pictures of her recipes. And I like very much the choice of recipes she posts. The only con I can find is that she does not post very often... but her archive of recipes really worths a visit.

And I was eager to try the one I show you today. I love the traditional apple Tatin cake and I immediately felt I had to try this version.

If you like the taste of baked bananas, you have to try this one! Here you have the recipe:

  • 7 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 3 bananas
  • puff pastry
  1. In a pan at low heat, let the sugar melt with the lemon juice. Then add the butter to the pan and stir.
  2. Add the cinnamon (you can skip this step if you don't like cinnamon).
  3. Pour the melted sugar on a buttered pan.
  4. Slice the bananas and place them over the caramel.
  5. Place the puff pastry sheet on top of the ingredients, and make some small holes in it with a knife or a fork.
  6. Bake at 180ºC (350 F) for 30 minutes (or until the puff pastry gets golden). Turn the cake upside down immediately.
Thanks for your visit!

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