Doncs si... ahir era el dia previst per acabar la nostra manteta Vasarely... i, bé, tot i que les darreres setmanes he aconseguit cosir quasi tots els rombes, encara me'n falten un parell i acabar la vora de ganxet per a què la manta quedi polida del tot...
Però de moment estic contenta de com està quedant i espero que els propers dies de festa em deixin el temps lliure suficient per acabar-la del tot!
Si voleu veure com han quedat la resta de mantes, les trobareu aquí!
Yes... Yesterday was the expected day to finish our Vasarely blanket... and, well, although I've sewn almost all the diamonds during the last couple of weeks, there are still a couple missing and I haven't crocheted its edge...
But I'm pretty proud of how it's coming out and I hope I'll find the spare time to finish the blanket during the coming holidays!
You'll find here the results of the rest of the CAL colleagues!
Superbe !!!
ResponEliminaJoyeux noël ;-D
Just a short visit to encourage you for the border. You'll feel so proud of yourself when it's done! All the best.
ResponEliminaThank you!!! You're totally right!!! I've just posted the end of my work!!!
EliminaAnd I'm already waiting for your next proposal!!!