Finalment he reprès la tasca d'unir rombes...
Com veureu a les fotos (disculpeu per la seva qualitat!), intento recuperar el temps perdut cosint al tren... que avui anava a rebentar, per cert! La gent em mira con si hagués perdut l'enteniment!! XDD
Bé, i la resta de companyes de CAL, com ho porteu??
Fins el dia 21!!
Finally I've resumed the task of sewing diamonds together...
As you'll see in the pictures (please excuse for the low quality!), I'm trying to catch my CAL colleagues by sewing during my commutes...While people looks at me as I've gone mad!! LOL
And what about the rest of my CAL colleagues? How are you doing??
See you again on the 21st!!
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