Doncs si, la primavera ja és aquí... fa dies!!!! jajaja!!!
Però jo encara no havia tingut temps d'ensenyar-vos el que hem preparat per celebrar-ho a l'escola bressol! A la classe del Guim ens va tocar com a tema els ocells, així que vam triar aquest ocellet de ganxet que vam trobar al blog rus 88 crafts (que sembla no estar ja disponible...).
Està d'allò més content a la seva branqueta!! ;P
A sota us deixo el patró traduït al català, per si us animeu a fer-lo!
- Fil acrílic o de cotó en els colors que preferiu
- Ganxet de 3,5 mm
- Llana o guata per farcir el cos de l'ocell
- Agulla gruixuda per rematar
- cd - cadeneta
- pr - punt ras
- pb - punt baix
- augm - augment: feu dos punts baixos al mateix punt
- dism – disminució: tanqueu dos punts baixos junts
- Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb.
- Volta 2: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Volta 3: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 4: *1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
- Volta 5: *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
- Volta 6: *1 augm, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
- Volta 7: *1 augm, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
- Volta 8: *1 augm, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (48)
- Voltes 9-13: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (48)
- Volta 14: *1 augm, 7 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (54)
- Volta 15: *1 augm, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (60)
- Volta 16: *1 augm, 9 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (66)
- Voltes 17-20: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (66)
- Volta 21: *1 dism, 9 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (60)
- Volta 22: *1 dism, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (54)
- Volta 23: *1 dism, 7 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (48)
- Volta 24: *1 dism, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
- Volta 25: *1 dism, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
- Volta 26: *1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
- Volta 27: *1 dism, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24). Aprofiteu per farcir el cos.
- Volta 28: *1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 29: *1 dism, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
- Volta 30: *1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (10). Tanqueu i entreu fils.

- Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb (6)
- Volta 2: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (6)
- Volta 3: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Voltes 4-5: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (12). Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-lo al cos (sense farcir).
Ales (feu-ne dues):
- Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb (6)
- Volta 2: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (6)
- Volta 3: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Volta 4: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Volta 5: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 6: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (18)
- Volta 7: *1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
- Voltes 8-10: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (24)
- Volta 11: *1 dism, 1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 12: *1 dism, 1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
- Volta 13: Feu dism en tota la volta (6). Tanqueu i deixeu el fil llarg per cosir les ales al cos.
Potes (feu-ne dues):
- Feu 3 pb en un anell màgic, *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 3 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-les al cos.
En un anell màgic feu *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 5 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-la al cos.
- En un anell màgic feu *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 3 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-la al cos.
Només us falta unir les peces al cos i brodar els ulls!
Gràcies per la visita!!
Spring has come, finally!! Actually, it did some weeks ago already...
The theme at my son's class was everything related to birds, so I crocheted this little birdie I found on at the russian blog 88 crafts (which doesn't seem to be available any more...).
He's having so much fun between our strawberry plants!! LOL
Here you have the pattern translated to english:
- Crochet yarn in colors of your choice
- 3,5 mm size crochet hook
- Filling
- Tapestry needle to join parts and weave in ends
- ch - chain
- sl - slip stitch
- sc - single crochet
- incr – single crochet increase
- decr – single crochet decrease
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
- Round 3: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 4: *1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (24)
- Round 5: *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (30)
- Round 6: *1 incr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (36)
- Round 7: *1 incr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (42)
- Round 8: *1 incr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (48)
- Rounds 9-13: 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (48)
- Round 14: *1 incr, 7 sc*, repeat * around (54)
- Round 15: *1 incr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (60)
- Round 16: *1 incr, 9 sc*, repeat * around (66)
- Rounds 17-20: 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (66)
- Round 21: *1 decr, 9 sc*, repeat * around (60)
- Round 22: *1 decr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (54)
- Round 23: *1 decr, 7 sc*, repeat * around (48)
- Round 24: *1 decr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (42)
- Round 25: *1 decr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (36)
- Round 26: *1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (30)
- Round 27: *1 decr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (24). Stuff the body.
- Round 28: *1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 29: *1 decr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (12)
- Round 30: *1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (10). Join and weave in ends.
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
- Round 2: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of round (6)
- Round 3: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
- Rounds 4-5: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (12). Join and leave a long end. Do not stuff.
Wings (make 2):
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
- Round 2: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of round (6)
- Round 3: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
- Round 4: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (12).
- Round 5: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 6: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (18).
- Round 7: *1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (24)
- Rounds 8-10: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (24)
- Round 11: *1 decr, 1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 12: *1 decr, 1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (12)
- Round 13: crochet decr all around (6). Join and leave a long end.
Feet (make 2):
- Into a magic ring, crochet 3 sc, *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 3 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
- Into a magic ring, crochet *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 5 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
- Into a magic ring, crochet *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 3 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
Join the pieces to the body and sew the eyes.
Thanks for your visit!!
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