De tant en tant demanen la participació dels pares per diferents activitats, com la decoració de l'escola amb motiu del canvi de les estacions, el que per mi és una excusa perfecta per tornar a jugar com una nena! jajaja!
Per la tardor, a la classe d'en Guim ens van demanar que portéssim qualsevol cosa relacionada amb els caragols i aquí teniu el mega-exemplar de ganxet que vaig preparar:
- Trapillo en color marró clar (pel cos) i en el color que més us agradi (per la closca)
- Agulla de ganxet de 12 mm
- Agulla de tapisser per unir les peces i entrar fils
- Floca per farcir
- cd - cadeneta
- pr - punt ras
- pb - punt baix
- mpa - mig punt alt
- pa - punt alt
- augm - augment
- dism - disminució
- Volta 1: amb el trapillo marró clar, feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb, continueu treballant en rodó (sense tancar les voltes)
- Volta 2: 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Volta 3: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Voltes 4-5: feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (18)
- Volta 6: *1 dism, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (16)
- Volta 7: feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (16)
- Voltes 8-9: feu 8 mpa i 8 pb (16)
- Voltes 10-12: feu 7 mpa, 1 pb, 7 pr i 1 pb (16)
- Feu 9 cd. Feu un pr a la 4a cd, amagueu el fil i uniu les banyes al cap.
- Volta 1: amb el trapillo marró clar, feu un anell màgic amb 4 pb, continueu treballant en rodó (sense tancar les voltes)
- Volta 2: 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (8)
- Volta 3: *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (10)
- Volta 4: feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (10)
- Volta 5: *1 augm, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
- Voltes 6-7: feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (12)
- Volta 1: amb el trapillo que hagueu triat per la closca, feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb, tanqueu amb un pr, 1 cd.
- Voltes 2-3: 1 augm en cada punt de la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 4: *1 augm, 1 pb, 1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 5: *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 6: *1 augm, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Voltes 7-10: feu un pb en cada punt, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 11: *1 dism, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 12: *1 dism, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Volta 13: *1 dism, 1 pb, 1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta, tanqueu, 1 cd
- Voltes 14-15: 1 dism en cada punt de la volta, tanqueu, 1cd.
When I had to go back to work after my maternity leave, I was very worried about how my baby boy would do in pre-school... And it came out I worried for nothing! He's having so much fun in school and we're so pleased with his teachers!
From time to time we're asked to participate in the school life activities. Most of the times this involves some DIYing at home, which is so much fun!
This giant crochet snail, made with XL yarn, was our contribution to the autumn school decor. Do you like it??
- XL Crochet yarn in beige (body) and your desired color or colors (shell)
- 12 mm size crochet hook
- Filling
- Tapestry needle to weave in ends
- ch - chain
- sl - slip stitch
- sc - single crochet
- hdc - half double crochet
- dc - double crochet
- incr – single crochet increase
- decr – single crochet decrease
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc, keep working in the round
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (12)
- Round 3: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Rounds 4-5: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (18)
- Round 6: *1 decr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (16)
- Round 7: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (16)
- Rounds 8-9: crochet 8 hdc and 8 sc (16)
- Rounds 10-12: crochet 7 hdc, 1 sc, 7 sl and 1 sc (16)
- Chain 9. Crochet a sl on 4th chain from the hook, hide the end and attach horns to the head.
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 4 sc, keep working in the round
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (8)
- Round 3: *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (10)
- Round 4: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (10)
- Round 5: *1 incr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (12)
- Rounds 6-7: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (12)
- Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc, join with a sl, ch 1
- Rounds 2-3: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 4: *1 incr, 1 sc, 1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 5: *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 6: *1 incr, 5 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Rounds 7-10: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 11: *1 decr, 5 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 12: *1 decr, 3 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Round 13: *1 decr, 1 sc, 1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around, join with a sl, ch 1
- Rounds 14-15: crochet a decr in all the round, join with a sl, ch 1.
Que xulo! Moltíssimes gràcies per compartir-lo! :)
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