Ens va agradar tant que la vaig acabar repetint uns quants cops més durant la tardor, i aquest any estava esperant l'oportunitat de tornar-hi. Fins que aquesta setmana he vist aquest post a IFeelCook... la seva recepta m'ha semblat més senzilla que la que vaig provar l'any passat i l'aspecte és impressionant, així que m'hi he tirat de cap!

I, efectivament, es prepara en un moment i, pel que fa al gust, també ens ha agradat més que el de l'any passat. Queda molt esponjós!!
Com que la recepta és en castellà i l'he seguit al peu de la lletra (sense que serveixi de precedent! :P), aquest cop us adreço al post original, enlloc de reproduir-la. La visita al blog d'IFeelCook val la pena!!
Gràcies per la visita!
Last year a friend gave us a half of a huge pumpkin, with which I made several soups and a pumpkin bread that caught my eye in Pinterest.
We enjoyed the bread so much, that I repeated the same recipe several times during last autumn. And I've been waiting for a chance to go for it again this year... Until I've seen that post in the blog IFeelCook... this recipe seems easier to follow than the one I tested last year, and it's bread looks gorgeous! So I've tried it!
And, effectively, it's really easy to prepare and we definitely prefer it's taste and texture over the one I tested last year!
Here you have the recipe translated to English, but don't miss the chance to visit IFeelCook's blog, it really worths it!
- 200 g (7 ounces) pumpkin purée
- 2 eggs
- 65 g (2,3 ounces) water
- 90 g (3,2 ounces) vegetable oil (I used olive oil)
- 200 g (7 ounces) sugar
- 225 g (8 ounces) wheat flour
- 5 g (1 tbsp aprox.) baking soda
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp mixed spices
- Whisk together pumpkin puree, eggs, water, oil and sugar until well incorporated.
- Sift together the flour, baking soda, salt and mixed spices.
- Add the dry ingredients, little by little, to the wet ones while mixing gently.
- Bake in the oven at 170ºC (340 F) for about 45 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean).
Doncs sí que sembla senzilla la recepta. Jo també faig un pa de carbassa que queda molt bo, però m'agrada probar, així que aquest any l'any probaré aquesta recepta. Ja et diré que tal. Una abraçada
ResponEliminaAixò, això, ja m'explicaràs!!