dijous, 8 d’agost del 2013

CAL manteta Vasarely #9 / CAL Vasarely blanket #9

Avui una entrada súper-curteta per ensenyar-vos com avança la manta...
La tornada a la feina m'està passant factura i s'ha alentit el ritme d'unió dels rombes... :(

...però, a canvi, torno a fer ganxet al tren, així que el nombre de rombes acabats continua creixent! :)
Aquí teniu la feina de la resta de participants!
Today a micro-post to show you the progress of my blanket...
Against my will... I'm back to work, which has affected the pace of the "diamond joining" task.... :(
...but, on the other hand, my "crocheting commutes" are back, and therefore the amount of diamonds is increasing again! :)

Here you'll find the work of the CAL colleagues!

2 comentaris:

  1. All the same for me! I found the time to make them but didn't sew any... We'll do better this autumn I'm sure. Keep going!

  2. Pas de grandes avancées non plus...
    Bonne continuation!!
