dissabte, 8 de juny del 2013

CAL Manteta Vasarely #5 / CAL Vasarely Blanket #5

Bé, les nostres mini-vacances a la Provença ja s'han acabat, així que torno a aprofitar els trajectes en tren a la feina per avançar la manteta... mireu quina bossa-mussol m'ha fet la meva mare per portar el ganxet!! :)

Com veureu, finalment tinc la llana verda que em faltava... Ja tocava, perquè pràcticament ja tinc fets tots els rombes blancs que em faran falta! El que encara no he fet és començar a unir rombes... ni un... aixxxx....

Canviant de tema, ahir em vaig endur una sorpresa quan vaig arribar de treballar... he rebut el Kit Chouette que vaig demanar fa unes setmanes!! I m'encanten les idees que proposa per realitzar amb el material del kit!!! M'havia promés a mi mateixa reservar-me'l per les vacanes d'estiu... però no sé si podré resistir la temptació!! :P

I ara us deixo, que vaig a fer un cop d'ull a la feina de la resta de companyes de CAL!!

Gràcies per passar-vos per aquí!!


Our mini-holidays in Provence are over... so I've resumed crocheting diamonds for the blanket during my commutes... with a brand-new owl-bag my mother has made for me!! :)

As you'll notice, I've finally get green yarn... just in time, actually, because I've crocheted almost all the white diamonds I'll need! But I haven't joined a single diamond yet... ouchhhh...

By the way, yesterday I got a nice surprise when I got home after work... I've received the Chouette Kit I ordered some weeks ago!! I love the ideas suggested in the leaflet to be done with the kit's materials!!! I had promised to myself I was going to save the kit for our summer holidays... but I'm not sure I'll be able to wait that long!! LOL

And that's all today, I'm going to have a look to the CAL colleagues' work!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


11 comentaris:

  1. super joli tout cela ...à très vite pour la suite ...nath

  2. Joli, joli! Pas assemblé non plus, mais on a encore du temps...
    Merci de ta visite!

  3. Belle avancée !!
    Merci de ta visite chez moi ;-D

  4. i Love these colors ! deeply the continuation !

  5. very beautiful colors for your blanket !!!! I love it. (I have received my Chouette Kit too, it is so nice :D)

  6. Wah ! Great... you very well worked... sooooooooooo quickly ^_^

  7. Bravo pour le CAL Vasarely et jolies couleurs !
