Bé, això i que les fotos del calendari d'advent d'aquest any m'han quedat com un xurro (us deixo una de les poques que se salva) i que encara tinc la corona dels 3 reigs mags a mig brodar... Ejem...

Resumint, aquí us deixo el meu tercer patró de cactus amigurumi (teniu els altres dos aquí, aquí i aquí).
Espero que us agradi, i sobretot, sobretot, que li agradi a la Sara i faci que ens recordi ara que ha canviat de feina (un besote!!!).
- Fil de cotó en color verd (clar i fosc), marró (clar i fosc) i negre
- Ganxet de 3,5 mm
- Llana o guata per farcir el cactus
- Test (el meu és de plàstic)
- Agulla gruixuda per rematar
- cd - cadeneta
- pb - punt baix
- mpa - mig punt alt
- pa - punt alt
- augm - augment: feu dos punts baixos al mateix punt
- dism – disminució: tanqueu dos punts baixos junts
Cos del cactus:
- Volta 1: Amb el color verd clar, feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb.
- Volta 2: Feu un augm en cada punt (12)
- Volta 3: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 4: *1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
- Volta 5: *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
- Voltes 6-10: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (30)
- Volta 11: *1 dism, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (27)
- Voltes 12-20: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (27)
- Volta 21: *1 dism, 7 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
- Voltes 22-30: Feu 1 pb en cada punt (24)
- Volta 31: canvieu a color marró clar i treballeu només el llaç anterior del punt. *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
- Volta 32: *1 augm, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
- Volta 33: *1 augm, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
- Volta 34: *1 augm, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (48)
- Volta 35: canvieu a color marró fosc i treballeu només el llaç posterior del punt. Feu 1 pb en cada punt (48). Aneu farcint el cos del cactus amb guata.
- Volta 36: *1 dism, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
- Volta 37: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (42)
- Volta 38: *1 dism, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
- Volta 39: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (36)
- Volta 40: *1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
- Volta 41: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (30)
- Volta 42: *1 dism, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
- Volta 43: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (24)
- Volta 44: Treballeu només el llaç posterior del punt. Feu *1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
- Volta 45: *1 dism, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
- Volta 46: Feu disminucions en tota la volta (6). Tanqueu i entreu els fils.
- Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 5 pb.
- Volta 2: Feu 1 augm en cada punt (10)
- Voltes 3-8: Feu 1 pb en cada punt (10)
- Volta 9: Feu 1 mpa, 4 pa, 1 mpa, 1 pb, 1 dism, 1 pb (9)
- Volta 10: Feu 6 mpa, 1 dism, 1 pb (8)
- Voltes 11-12: Feu 1 pb en cada punt (8). Tanqueu i deixeu un fil una mica llarg. Amb aquest fil, cosiu el braç al cos del cactus, un cop farcit amb una mica de guata i un tros de neteja-pipes, per tal què els pugueu donar la forma de colze ben definida.
- Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb.
- Volta 2: Feu 1 augm en cada punt (12)
- Voltes 3-10: Feu 1 pb en cada punt (12)
- Volta 11: Feu 1 pb, 1 mpa, 4 pa, 1 mpa, 1 pb, 2 dism (10)
- Volta 12: Feu 1pb, 6 mpa, 1 dism, 1 pb (9)
- Voltes 13-15: Feu 1 pb en cada punt (9). Tanqueu i deixeu un fil una mica llarg. Amb aquest fil, cosiu el braç al cos del cactus, un cop farcit amb una mica de guata i un tros de neteja-pipes, per tal què els pugueu donar la forma de colze ben definida.
I know... By now I should be showing you pictures of our DIY advent calendar or our Christmas decor... But my mind seems to be reluctant to set the "Christmas mode".
Well, that and the fact that the pictures I took from our advent calendar are awful (you'll find above the one that might be an exception) and that our Christmas decor is half done... Upsss...
So, here you have my third amigurumi cactus pattern (you'll find the other ones here, here and here).
Hope you like it. Thanks for your visit!
- Cotton yarn in green (light and dark), brown (light and dark) and black colors
- 3,5 mm size crochet hook
- Filling
- A small pot
- Tapestry needle to weave in ends
- ch - chain
- sc - single crochet
- hdc - half double crochet
- dc - double crochet
- incr – single crochet increase
- decr – single crochet decrease
Cactus "body":
- Round 1: with light green yarn, make a magic ring with 6 sc.
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (12)
- Round 3: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 4: *1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (24)
- Round 5: *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (30)
- Rounds 6-10: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (30)
- Round 11: *1 decr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (27)
- Rounds 12-20: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (27)
- Round 21: *1 decr, 7 sc*, repeat * around (24)
- Rounds 22-30: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (24)
- Round 31: Change to light brown and work in front loops only. Crochet *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (30)
- Round 32: *1 incr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (36)
- Round 33: *1 incr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (42)
- Round 34: *1 incr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (48)
- Round 35: Change to dark brown and work in back loops only. Crochet 1 sc in every stitch of the round (48). Start to fill the cactus.
- Round 36: *1 decr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (42)
- Round 37: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (42)
- Round 38: *1 decr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (36)
- Round 39: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (36)
- Round 40: *1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (30)
- Round 41: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (30)
- Round 42: *1 decr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (24)
- Round 43: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (24)
- Round 44: work in back loops only. Crochet *1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (18)
- Round 45: *1 decr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (12)
- Round 46: crochet decr all around the round (6). Join and weave in ends.
- Round 1: with green yarn, make a magic ring with 5 sc.
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (10)
- Rounds 3-8: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (10)
- Round 9: crochet 1 hdc, 4 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 decr, 1 sc (9)
- Round 10: crochet 6 hdc, 1 decr, 1 sc (8)
- Rounds 11-12: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (8). Lightly stuff the arm (I've introduced a pipe cleaner inside every arm, to get a better shape). Join and leave a long tail to sew the arm to the body.
- Round 1: with green yarn, make a magic ring with 6 sc.
- Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of the round (12)
- Rounds 3-8: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (12)
- Round 9: crochet 1sc, 1 hdc, 4 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 2 decr (10)
- Round 10: crochet 1sc, 6 hdc, 1 decr, 1 sc (9)
- Rounds 11-12: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (9). Lightly stuff the arm (I've introduced a pipe cleaner inside every arm, to get a better shape). Join and leave a long tail to sew the arm to the body.
molt bonic!!!!ara ha per un altra cosa,que tu no pots estar sense una labor(o mes) a les mans!!!!besitos.
ResponEliminaI am Lacey1321 on Ravelry. I sent you a PM earlier this week, on Ravelry, and I'd love to hear back from you. I'm not finding another way to get ahold of you so I thought I'd try here.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Happy crafting
Sorry Lacey! I've just answered your message on Ravelry!