dimecres, 8 de maig del 2013

CAL Manteta Vasarely #3 / CAL Vasarely Blanket #3

Aquí teniu el tercer lliurament de la manta Vasarely: 21 rombes de color cru, 15 de color verd fosc i 7 de color verd clar...

...no és que li hagi agafat mania al verd, és que a la botiga s'han quedat sense llana verda... de cap dels dos tons!!!! =O

Així que em passaré uns quants dies fent rombes blancs... què hi farem!

Aquesta setmana també he estat prenent mides, perquè tenia la sensació que els meus rombes eren un pèl grans... doncs efectivament... si faig el mateix nombre de peces que indica el patró, la meva manta no medirà 1,20 metres d'ample sinó 1,85!!!!

La part bona és que si vull respectar les mides finals de 1,20 x 2 metres necessitaré menys rombes i, per tant, no vaig tan endarrerida com em pensava!!!! :P

Ens tornem a trobar el dia 21!


Here you have CAL Vasarely Blanket episode #3: 21 white diamonds, 15 dark green and 7 light green done so far...

...not that I don't like green any more, but the thing is that my shop has run out of green yarn... both dark and light green!!! =O

So I'll be crocheting white diamonds for a couple of days...

I've been measuring my work too, because I got the feeling that my diamonds were a bit big... and they are, actually... What does it mean? That crocheting the same number of diamonds stated in the pattern, instead of being 1,20 meters wide my blanket would measure 1,85 m!!!

On the other hand... if I stop adding diamonds when I reach the expected width of 1,20 meters... I'll need less diamonds to complete my work, meaning that I'm not as delayed as I thought!!!

There's always a good side on everything... isn't it? :P

See you on the 21st!


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