Ahir vaig veure la proposta d'aquesta setmana i em va semblar una idea boníssima per donar-li un aire nou a una caixa de cartró que fa temps que tenia per casa (l'embalatge d'un regal d'unes companyes de feina espectaculars!!).
Aquesta setmana el repte l'hostatja la Isabelle i, com sempre, podeu veure els treballs de totes les participants al Museu.
Espero que us agradi!!
...i disculpeu la poca qualitat de les fotos, avui m'he quedat sense llum natural! :P
I've been eager to participate in The Serial Crocheteuses proposals for weeks now, but I couldn't find the time...
Yesterday I had a look to this week's proposal and I thought it was a great idea to give a new look to a box I had around (it was the packaging for a gift from two great colleagues!!).

Isabelle is hosting the proposal and, as always, you can find the work of all the participants in the Museum.
Hope you like it!!
...and excuse me for the low quality pictures, I've run out of natural light today! :P