Mentre els acabo i poleixo el post del que seran protagonistes, aquí teniu les fotos de la salsa de calçots que vaig preparar el darrer cap de setmana!
- 50 g d'ametlles torrades
- 50 g d'avellanes torrades
- 1 grapadet de pinyons
- 5 tomàquets madurs
- 5 dents d'all
- 1 nyora
- 2 carquinyolis o 2 galetes tipus Maria
- 1/2 gotet* de vinagre
- 2 gotets d'oli
- sal i pebre
- Per escalivar els tomàquets i els alls, disposeu-los, sense pelar, en una safata ampla i poseu-los al forn a 180ºC durant uns 40 minuts. Quan estiguin llestos, peleu-los.
- Poseu la nyora en remull en aigua bullint. Quan s'hagi estovat, obriu-la, descarteu les llavors i separeu la carn de la pell amb l'ajuda d'un ganivet.
- Poseu tots els ingredients en un bol i bateu-los amb la batedora de mà, fins que la salsa agafi una textura homogènia.
- Corregiu el punt de sal i pebre i ja està llesta!
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Pas 1 / Step 1 |
One of my works in progress right now are a couple of baskets... crocheted with twine!
While I finish them and the post they'll star in a few days (hopefully! LOL), here you have some pictures of a delicious sauce I prepared last weekend!
This sauce tastes better when prepared in advance and kept in the fridge. It's main use is to be served with a special kind of spring onion named calçot, roasted (roasted onion shoot may be a better translation). This is a very typical catalan dish called calçotada (you can learn more of it here). Nevertheless, it tastes gorgeous too in a salad, with roasted vegetables or over mashed potatoes!!
- 50 g toasted almonds
- 50 g toasted hazelnuts
- 1/4 cup pine nuts
- 5 ripe tomatoes
- 5 garlic cloves
- 1 sundried pepper
- 2 biscuits or a plain toast
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- 1 cup olive oil
- salt and pepper
- Place the tomatoes and garlic cloves on an oven-safe pan, and roast them for 40 minutes at 180ºC (350 F). Peel both ingredients.
- Keep the dried pepper in boiling water until it rehydrates. Discard its seeds, and use a knife to separate the pulp from its skin. The ones used in the original recipe are a spicy kind of medium to small-sized red pepper.
- Place all the ingredients in a pitcher and blend them together, until you reach a thick sauce texture (you can use a stand mixer instead).
- Season to taste.
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Passos 2 i 3 / Steps 2 & 3 |
Oh, and let me thank my mother for sharing this recipe with me and, most important, for allowing me to share it with you!! <3
Thank you for stopping by!!